Labor Mobility and the World Economy
By:Federico Foders,Rolf J. Langhammer
Published on 2011-09-18 by Springer Science & Business Media
An increasing number of landings of illegal migrants on the coast of Italy and Spain, but also the recent riots, car-burnings, and street battles that occurred all across France and that have been attributed to the migrant community, seem to indicate that migration is likely to stay high on the European policy agenda for some time. The flow of migrants from poor to rich countries does not, however, constitute a typically European problem. V. S. public policy has also been facing a continued (legal and illegal) inflow of labor from different regions, notably Mexico and other Latin American countries. And similar developments in other advanced countries (Australia, Canada) as weil as in selected fast-growing emerging markets in Eastern Europe and East Asia imply that these countries too are being compelled to adjust their public policies in order to relieve migratory pressures and deal with their consequences. The world economy already saw rising cross-border labor flows in the 1990s and most forecasts predict that South-North and South-South migration will re main at relatively high levels over the next decades and possibly even turn into a major global challenge for policy makers in the 21st century.
This Book was ranked at 27 by Google Books for keyword the world economy.
Book ID of Labor Mobility and the World Economy's Books is uenaIbqj9CwC, Book which was written byFederico Foders,Rolf J. Langhammerhave ETAG "t2cA7+D/VJ4"
Book which was published by Springer Science & Business Media since 2011-09-18 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9783540310457 and ISBN 10 Code is 3540310452
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Book which have "357 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryBusiness and Economics
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